Saturday, December 10, 2016

10 things you didn't know about me

So guys i wanted to do 50 random or strange things about me that you might not know.

#1 I was born in Russia
#2 i were a size 9 and a half
#3 i have 4 other siblings and 3 dogs a lizard
#4 i have dance for 10 years of my life
#5 my hair changes styles every couple years first 5 super curly 5 were boy cut short 1 wavy 2 strait
#6 i have been to 6 schools in my life
#7 i have never broken a bone
#8 i have been to all the Disney parks and i have done the cruise
#9 i know 4 languages
#10 i have a best friend that lives a house down from me


What up y'all, i haven't posted in a while but knowing the christmas season is here i though it would be the best time too. So i LOVE christmas it is my time. Know we all get in the craziness of christmas buying gifts, going to parties, decorating but christmas is a super fun time. Here i my top 10 things i love about christmas and maybe you will like them too!!!!!!!

1. I love making christmas cookies
2. I love eating christmas cookies
3. carling with friends
4. white elephant
5. Christmas music
6. Christmas movies
7. driving in your car listening to christmas music
8. decorating
9. going hope for the holidays
10. seeing friends and family

Friday, April 1, 2016

april fools day

So at my school it has been very crazy with april fools day pranks.
Kids doing pranks on kids and teachers. At my school during 4th,6th and 8th period we pulled pranks on are teachers by walking out of the room by surprise, falling asleep or going in the middle of the room and playing games. So here are some fun april fools day pranks you can do.


Weren't You Wearing a Skirt?

At the start of the school day, stash a couple of changes of clothes in a bathroom near your class. If you are female, you may be able to fit a change of clothes into your purse, if you're allowed to carry purses in your school. Once the class starts, ask the teacher to allow you to go the bathroom. This trick works best with a teacher who is lenient with bathroom passes. Once you are granted the bathroom pass, rush to the bathroom and change into a new outfit. Make it as different as possible from the first outfit. For example, change from a skirt into slacks or a gray shirt into a lime green one. Return to the classroom. If the teacher notices, you can reply that it is April Fool's. If she does not notice, ask to go to the bathroom again a bit later and change once again.

Classroom Shuffle

Wait for a teacher to step out of the room to talk to another student or take care of other business. Every student should turn their desks and chairs to face the back of the classroom instead of the front. When the teacher walks back in, everyone should continue to work as though nothing has happened. Wait for the teacher to ask what is going on and then say, "April Fool's!" as a class.
- Squirt!- Simply use a rubber band and band the kitchen sprayer nozzle so that when somebody turns on the sink the sprayer will soak them! This will be especially funny if your parents make coffee in the morning.
4.- Heavy coins. Just super glue coins to the pavement. You'll need to find a spot that is both heavily trafficked and suitable for gluing; a front sidewalk or driveway works well, though you may need to clean the surface to get the coins to stick
- The Door: Put a sign on a front door (maybe of your class) where you've written "WET PAINT - please use the back door". It depends on the door, so maybe instead of a "front-back door" you may use "on tour left/right"! The victim will walked around to the back door where there is the same sign saying "WET PAINT -- please use the front door". See his/her reaction! But don't forget to say "April Fool"!
6.Grab an Oreo. Scrape the cream off, and put in mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, etc. Watch your victims face!




ketch up

Hey i have not posted for while. so far what is happened is a lot.
It is 2016 and it is april already it is crazy that it is april this year has gone by fast.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Halloween is getting so close you are getting last minute details on you costume. your buying candy for the trick&treaters. Halloween movies are going to be watch so here are some halloween movies that you can watch on halloween some scary some sweet scary and they are for all ages.
1.The nightmare before christmas
2. halloweentown
3.halloween high
4.girl vs. monster
5. hocus pocus
6. witches
7. tower of terror

Those are some but there are many others I hope you enjoy them! If you do please comment below!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Halloween costumes

Halloween is coming and every one wonders what am i going to be? well here are some cute and fun costumes that you can be!

The first costumes are going to be for the little ones.

  • aren't those the cutes things ever!
  • here is some costumes for the kids 8-13

  • aren't those cool. here are some.
  • here are some teenager costumes.

  • I would totally go as one of those costumes
  • I hope You have a fun time dressing up. you could also do so many more costumes like me i am going as someone from the disco times.
  •  .

    Thursday, October 15, 2015

    trick or treat!

    halloween is a time to give out treats and tricks so here are some tricks and treats that you can do! none of this tricks are mine they are online if you want to look at more go to

    • Dress up as though you are the inanimate Halloween Decor for your lawn. Example: scarecrow, Frankenstein, etc. Be as still as you can. When someone walks by, jump out and scare the heck out of them. Another idea is to lay flat on the lawn, pretending to be in a grave marked with a tombstone. Imagine their surprise when you rise from the dead!
    • Ring doorbell and say "canned goods or meat".
    • Get dressed up, knock on door. When person answers, put candy into his bowl.
    • Visit friends' houses and write on the mirror with your finger, delivering a scary message such as "I'm watching you!" Breathe on the mirror and you can see your words. Let it dry naturally. When your friend takes a shower, the words will appear again when the mirror fogs up.
    • Give away fake, plastic turds for treats.
    • Get dressed up so you are unrecognizable. Join a group of trick-or-treaters, preferably some you know. It will drive them nuts not knowing who you are.
    • Decorate your yard with all things superstitious. Ladder, black cat, broken mirror, crows. Put the number 13 on your door.
    • Dress up in a hospital gown and walk around at night saying "They think I'm crazy, but I'm not. They deserved to die. They can't take me back, etc, etc".
    • Dress up, ring doorbell. When someone answers, say "pull my finger".
    • Traditional, ring doorbell and run.
    • Toilet paper your own yard and accuse someone else of doing it.
    • Gather everyone's jack o' lanterns and line them up on the sidewalk in middle of the block.
    • Have any college or pro football fans in the neighborhood that like to fly their team flag? Swap it out for a rival team flag and watch the fireworks. (Make sure you return their flag after you get a good laugh).
    • You know those colored dot stickers that can be used for various office purposes or rummage sales? Purchase the dots in two or three colors, preferably red, yellow, and blue. When it's dark outside, stick one dot on the each of your neighbors' front doors. Put one on your own door so that you aren't suspect. The next day will be interesting when neighbors try to figure out what the dots mean and why there are different colors. Those with red dots may get a bit paranoid and think it's some sort of a conspiracy.
    Here is some treats that you can give out to the trick or treaters!

    . chocolate bars
    . mini bags of skittles or m&m's 
    . starburst
    . pixie sticks
    .packs of gummy's
    . lolly pops
    . little halloween toys for little kids

    i hope you have a great time tricking and giving out some yummy candy!!